We’re partnered with the most respected factories, working side by side to package, market and distribute essentials without sacrificing quality.
No shortcuts. No sacrifices.
Basic Resources is committed to creating the legwear, loungewear and underwear that feels as good as it looks. Responsible for many of today’s leading brands, we take the long way to ensure every stitch, every fiber and every design fulfills its purpose: to perform.
The Basic Resources Values
The Basic Resources Values
Treat everyone with honesty and transparency.Agility
Act with flexibility, speed, and efficiency.Creativity
Build and develop value focused solutions that transform and disrupt the market through product newness and continuous innovation.Collaboration
Work together with respect, professionalism, and teamwork.Social Responsibility
Dedicate resources and commit to giving back to our communities and the environment in a meaningful way.Covering the Basics
For nearly three decades, we’ve kept our focus on creating legwear, underwear and loungewear that can live up to their brand names.
Our product portfolio stretches into lifestyle and athletic markets, canvassing both with marketing, manufacturing and distribution expertise.